In today’s fast-paced digital world, staying on top of industry trends and generating fresh content can be a constant challenge. Thankfully, automation tools like (formerly Integromat) can be your secret weapon for streamlining content creation. This article will guide you through creating an automated workflow that monitors RSS feeds for specific keywords and automatically generates WordPress post summaries based on those matches.

Benefits of Automating Content Curation with RSS Feeds:

  • Save Time: Identify relevant content from various sources without manually scouring the web.
  • Stay Informed: Never miss important industry news or updates related to your niche.
  • Content Inspiration: Discover fresh content ideas and angles to fuel your content creation strategy.
  • Build Authority: Showcase your expertise by curating valuable content from reputable sources.

Tools You’ll Need:

  • Account: Sign up for a free account (with premium plans available for advanced features).
  • WordPress Website: Ensure your WordPress site is up and running with administrator access.
  • RSS Feed URLs: Gather the RSS feed URLs of websites you want to monitor. Most websites have an RSS feed option, usually represented by an XML icon ( ).

Building Your Workflow:

  1. Create a New Scenario: Log in to your account and click “Create a new scenario.”
  2. Trigger: Watch RSS Feed Items: Choose the “RSS” app and select the “Watch RSS feed items” trigger. Paste the RSS feed URL you want to monitor and set the “Maximum number of returned items” (adjust this based on your needs).
  3. Filter (Optional): For more targeted content selection, add a filter. In the “Filter” section, choose “Content” and then “contains” or “not contains” based on your desired keywords.
  4. Action: Create WordPress Post: Search for the “WordPress” app and select the “Create Post” action.
  5. Configure WordPress Post Creation: Connect your WordPress site using the WordPress integration and provide your login credentials. Next, define post details like:
    • Post Title: Use the “Title” field and insert a dynamic value (e.g., “{{Item.Title}}”). This ensures the post title matches the original article title from the RSS feed.
    • Post Content: For summaries, utilize the “Content” field and choose a dynamic value. You can craft a custom summary template using a combination of text and dynamic values from the RSS feed (e.g., “{{Item.Excerpt}} – Read the full article here: {{Item.Link}}”).
    • Categories & Tags (Optional): Categorize your curated content for better organization. Use dynamic values based on keywords within the RSS feed item (if available).
  6. Run & Monitor: Save your scenario. will now automatically monitor the RSS feed for your chosen keywords. Whenever a new item matches your criteria, a WordPress post summary will be generated on your website.

Maximizing Your Workflow:

  • Multiple RSS Feeds: Create separate scenarios for each RSS feed you want to monitor.
  • Advanced Content Formatting: Utilize’s text manipulation features to format your post summaries within the “Content” field (e.g., trimming article length or bolding keywords).
  • Schedule Automated Checks: Instead of continuous monitoring, schedule to check RSS feeds at specific intervals (e.g., hourly or daily) to avoid overwhelming your WordPress site with posts.

Understanding the Filter:

The filter allows you to specify additional criteria for the RSS feed items that trigger the creation of WordPress posts. You can choose to include items that contain specific keywords or exclude items that contain unwanted keywords. This ensures your curated content aligns perfectly with your niche and audience interests.

How to Use the Filter:

  1. Access the Filter: In your scenario, locate the “Watch RSS feed items” trigger. Click the “Add filter” button below the trigger configuration options.
  2. Choose the Filter Type: A dropdown menu will appear. Select “Content” to filter based on the content within the RSS feed items.
  3. Define the Keyword Criteria: Here, you have two options:
    • Contains: Choose this option to include only RSS feed items where the content (title, excerpt, or full article) contains your specified keyword(s). This ensures your WordPress posts feature content relevant to your chosen keywords.
    • Not Contains: Select this option to exclude RSS feed items that contain your specified keyword(s). This is useful if there are specific topics or sources you want to avoid curating, even if they mention your broader niche keywords.
  4. Enter Your Keywords: In the text field next to the chosen filter type (Contains or Not Contains), enter the keywords you want to use for filtering. You can use a single keyword or separate multiple keywords with commas (e.g., “marketing automation,” “AI,” “content creation”).

Advanced Filtering Techniques:

  • Exclude Multiple Keywords: If you want to exclude multiple unwanted keywords, simply add them all to the text field separated by commas.
  • Combine Filters: allows you to combine multiple filters for even more precise content selection. For example, you could create a filter that includes items containing “marketing automation” but excludes items containing “beginner tips” (assuming you’re targeting advanced marketing automation content).


  • Filtering is an optional step. If you don’t require additional refinement beyond the RSS feed itself, you can skip this step and proceed to configure the WordPress post creation action.
  • Experiment with different filtering criteria to find the sweet spot that delivers the most relevant content for your audience.
  • Consider the overall theme or focus of your website when defining filter keywords.

By effectively utilizing the filter, you can curate high-quality content that resonates with your target audience and strengthens your website’s authority within your niche. So, don’t be afraid to experiment and refine your filtering criteria to achieve the perfect balance for your automated content curation workflow.


By leveraging’s automation capabilities, you can transform time-consuming content curation into a seamless process. This allows you to focus on what truly matters – creating unique and engaging content that resonates with your audience. So, embrace the power of automation and watch your WordPress site blossom with valuable, curated content!