Chat GPT for Authors: A Step-By Step Guide to Writing Your Non-Fiction Book (Book Marketing With a Bang!)

(10 customer reviews)


SKU: B0C1KJ96NB Category:

Additional information


‎ B0C1KJ96NB

Publication date ‏

‎ May 20, 2023

Language ‏

‎ English

File size ‏

‎ 1521 KB

Text-to-Speech ‏

‎ Enabled

Screen Reader ‏

‎ Supported

Enhanced typesetting ‏

‎ Enabled

X-Ray ‏

‎ Not Enabled

Word Wise ‏

‎ Enabled

Sticky notes ‏

‎ On Kindle Scribe

Print length ‏

‎ 73 pages

10 reviews for Chat GPT for Authors: A Step-By Step Guide to Writing Your Non-Fiction Book (Book Marketing With a Bang!)

  1. Lienochka

    Excellent book to read. You can use it as a practical guide.

  2. Gaetano Smith

    I’m lost reading this no table of contents not

  3. Tejnoor

    Great resource that I’ll likely keep referring back to. The text doesn’t ramble and it’s valuable information in one place.

  4. Eclectic Reader

    This book describes how you can use ChatGPT (artificial intelligence or AI) as a partner to create a bestselling nonfiction book. The concept is alluring.This is my kind of book — just the essential information, focused clearly, presented simply, and with complete examples to demonstrate how to implement suggestions. Overall well done! I’m so glad I read this book.A big factor I found in my preliminary forays into ChatGPT starting last year was the importance of phrasing prompts correctly to receive a relevant, coherent, data-rich answer. The authors actually discuss this point and introduced a twist I found helpful — instruct the ChatGPT to role-play a professional such as a literary agent or marketing expert in order to give you targeted relevant feedback for your queries. The prompts they recommend are complex, but no worries, they include full examples that you can cut-and-paste with only minimal modification.Another tip they mention is how to build an effective side panel that you can use to quickly reference your multiple conversations with ChatGPT.Time to start.This book is short and focuses on HOW to do each topic, without giving background or tangential information. I was easily able to follow the concepts because I have written, self-published, and marketed books, but I wondered if a neophyte might have a little trouble understanding the entire picture of self-publishing, for example why apps such as KDSPY and KDROI might be helpful, or the energy, creativity, and expense (for ads) it takes to get good reviews and exposure. The ways of Amazon and other sellers in prioritizing books are challenging and I felt a quick mention of the challenge would be helpful, if just to prepare the would-be writer for a tough climb. That being said, there are scads of resources online that can help a motivated writer learn these areas. To their great credit the authors do run a book marketing website that they didn’t promote in their book. I for one appreciated the absence of commercial promotion.In their focused book, the authors give examples of directed prompts that will allow you to partner with ChatGPT to:* develop book ideas based on your expertise and interests* assess ideas, including finding your USP (Unique Selling Proposition) and help with market research* outline your book* write your book* revise and edit including checking for plagiarism* create a plan for book launch* create a 200 word targeted bio and 150 word bestseller book blurb* list sources for editorial reviews* list other marketing resourcesand other tasks.Working with ChatGPT is of course an iterative process that will require multiple exchanges for each step to refine the material, but at the end you can come up with very good things.In this book, each step of book creation and common marketing strategies are covered, although as I said the reader may want to research more information for some of these. I found the sample prompts for ChatGPT to be invaluable to obtain really helpful information and feedback.Overall I think this is an exciting new method to create quality nonfiction books that many will find helpful. Definitely highly recommended! Thank you for letting me read this.I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

  5. James R

    I am so glad I ran across this title. It demystifies all of the confusion I’ve recently heard about this program and its possible uses. Especially helpful were the actual prompts that were laid out in full. The examples of how this program can assist ones writing skills were lucrative to me. The book also quells any concerns about AI writing the book for you; the author’s place is still most in the forefront. The AI here is more of an exploration tool that a replacement. Regarding all the brohaha about ChatGPT: “By the time A.I. escapes the confines of its programming and become our evil overlord it’s unlikely we’ll be thinking of writing best sellers.” I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

  6. NorkDorf Entertainment

    As an avid reader and aspiring author, I recently had the pleasure of diving into “Chat GPT for Authors,” and let me tell you, this book is an absolute gem! From cover to cover, it expertly lays out everything you need to know about harnessing the power of Chat GPT as both an author and user. If you’re looking for guidance in the ever-evolving landscape of AI-assisted writing, this book is an indispensable resource.The author lays a solid groundwork from the introduction, explaining the importance of Chat GPT and its capability to revolutionize the writing process. The book then delves into practical advice, providing step-by-step instructions on how to use this powerful tool effectively to enhance your creative endeavors.. It does an excellent job of catering to writers at various skill levels, making it accessible to both newcomers and seasoned authors alike.One of the book’s greatest strengths is its ability to distill complex concepts into easily digestible chapters. The author’s writing style is clear, concise, and engaging, making it an effortless read. The guidance provided is practical and actionable, ensuring that readers can implement the techniques and strategies in their own writing immediately. Whether you’re interested in using Chat GPT to generate ideas, enhance character development, or improve dialogue, this book has got you covered.What distinguishes “Chat GPT for Authors” is its priority on encouraging creativity and upholding the author’s individual voice. Throughout the book, the author highlights human creativity’s significance, overpowered by AI. The main point is how Chat GPT can strengthen and supplement an author’s thoughts, not take their place. The book furnishes an array of pointers and methodologies to guarantee the authenticity of the final product under the author’s vision.The book delves into apprehensions and obstacles that writers could encounter while utilizing AI, including upholding coherence, evading excessive dependence, and preserving originality. By addressing these issues head-on, it instills confidence in authors, empowering them to make the most of this incredible technology without sacrificing their unique artistic sensibilities.In summary, “Chat GPT for Authors” proves to be an immensely valuable resource for writers who wish to navigate the realm of AI-assisted writing. Its hands-on direction, unambiguous expositions, and accentuation on upholding ingenuity establish it as an indispensable accomplice for writers at every level of their writing odyssey. Whether you’re an aficionado of technology, welcoming the latest progress or a purist apprehensive of AI, this book serves as the ultimate link between the two realms. I wholeheartedly endorse it to all authors who aspire to delve into the capabilities of Chat GPT and enhance their writing to unparalleled heights.I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

  7. ☆ haley ☆

    Be warned. This is part of a series called “Book Marketing with a Bang,” brought to you by “The Book Marketer”–the same outfit/person/chat AI that produced “How to Market Your Book on TikTok” (which is also part of this series). See the following review for more information:

  8. rash

    The book is written simply and with the aim to reach the audience. I haven’t dabbled in AI much but this book gives me confidence to do the same. Recommend for anyone working with or willing to work with AI.

  9. Makaela

    I recently finished reading “Chat GPT for Authors,” and I wanted to share my thoughts with you. In my opinion, the book is a valuable resource for both aspiring and experienced authors, as well as social media influencers. It covers various topics, such as finding your niche, creating a catchy title and cover, writing a compelling description, setting up a launch plan, building an email list, and using social media and other platforms to promote your book.What stood out to me was how the author explains how to use Chat GPT, a powerful marketing tool in the social media AI field, in a clear and easy-to-follow manner. The book strikes a balance between being light-hearted and professional, which makes it an enjoyable read. Additionally, the author provides examples and templates that you can use to create your marketing materials.One of the book’s strengths is that it guides you through the process of using Chat GPT effectively and ethically. The author teaches you how to avoid common pitfalls and mistakes, which is important for any author or influencer looking to promote their work. However, I feel that the book could be improved by providing more information on how Chat GPT can help you market a variety of niches. This includes identifying your ideal reader or audience, researching their needs and preferences, tailoring your message and offer to them, and measuring your results and feedback.Overall, I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to write and market their book or content successfully. It’s informative, engaging, and provides valuable insights and tips that you can use to take your marketing efforts to the next level.

  10. John T.

    WOW! This is much more than I expected from the title and my tiny knowledge of Chat GPT. This is NOT how to have Chat write your book for you. It’s how to use Chat as a personal writing coach or as the instructor in a course on book writing. The detailed prompts opened my eyes to both how to use Chat and expanded my understanding of researching and organizing to write a non-fiction book. If you just work your way through the exercises you will be astounded by the results. In the end, it’s you doing the writing but this is the first real example of how to collaborate with ChatGPT to get to that stage. I have written three non-fiction books and wish I had known this approach as it would have resulted in better-written books.I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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